The La Ventana & Los Barriles launch site wind forecast for the current day can be found on or
The wind pattern starts changing today. Unless the change is slower than expected we only see mild winds that hit the foil range.
This imagery shows the topics discussed in todays forecast.

Note: Our sensor at Rasta Beach is reading NNW at 15 predawn and there is a big swell hitting that beach which normally would signal a big “El Norte” wind this afternoon.
However, the wind pattern starts changing today with each passing day seeing slowly increasing clouds and decreasing winds until next Tuesday.
Today, the North Pacific High and Four Corners high-pressure continue to bring “El Norte” winds down the northern 3/4 of the Sea of Cortez BUT that leaves us, on Baja’s East Cape, just south of the max wind zone making our winds iffy.
This happens this afternoon as the Four Corners high-pressure breaks apart and moves into mainland Mexico while the North Pacific High wanders into Pacific Northwest waters.
Now, if all this happens slower than I expect we COULD have wind similar to yesterday but my reading of the data and our Weatherflow sensors to the north suggests weaker winds that hit the foil range