By Mike Godsey

Take a look at the satellite view below of the beefy spinning eddy this morning just west of the Bay Area. 

You can see why my forecast is rather bold since I expect this spiraling mass of air to be destroyed by mid-afternoon. Let’s see! 

My forecast: 

“The North Pacific High’s surface NW winds slowly end the eddy pattern today. Most sites see wind.” 

“A very large North Pacific High blasts the eddy apart tomorrow. Indeed it looks like even today a bit of NW wind reaches our coast at Waddell. While for the Bay weak NW ocean winds is near us by 3 PM and it combines with the last vestiges of the southerly winds as it enters the Bay. Since the pressure gradient is pretty evenly split between Sacramento, Stockton and towards Bakersfield winds almost every site sees usable but UP and Down wind……” 

Mike Godsey